Uses of Class

Packages that use ReflectionException

Uses of ReflectionException in net.sf.sasl.aop.distributed.lock

Methods in net.sf.sasl.aop.distributed.lock that throw ReflectionException
protected  LockInformation DistributedLockAspect.buildLockInformationFromDynamicLockKey(DistributedDynamicMutexLockKey lockKeyAnnotation, DistributedDynamicMutexLockKeys parentAnnotation, Method targetMethod, Object[] targetArguments, int curParameterIndex)
          Maps a DistributedMutexLockKey annotation to a lock information.
protected  void DistributedLockAspect.buildLockInformationList(List<LockInformation> lockInformationList, Annotation[] annotations, Method targetMethod, Object[] targetArguments, int curParameterIndex)
          Maps an array of annotations (from the method or a parameter) to lock informations and adds the mapped lock informations to the passed lock information list.
protected  List<LockInformation> DistributedLockAspect.buildUnsortedLockInformationList(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation invocation)
          Builds an unsorted list of lock informations from the lock annotations which are present at the method and parameters of the method.
protected  void DistributedLockAspect.doAnnotationDeclaredLocks(ILockSession session, org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation invocation)
          Will do all locks, which are declared via annotations at the target method, in the current lock sequence of the passed lock session.

Constructors in net.sf.sasl.aop.distributed.lock that throw ReflectionException

Uses of ReflectionException in net.sf.sasl.common.helper

Methods in net.sf.sasl.common.helper that throw ReflectionException
 Object ReflectionHelper.getPropertyViaPath(Object targetObject, String path)
          Resolves the value of a property by a property path and returns the resolved value.

Uses of ReflectionException in net.sf.sasl.common.pool

Methods in net.sf.sasl.common.pool that throw ReflectionException
<T> T
SingletonPool.retrieveSingleton(Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a pooled singleton instance of the given class.

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